Tri-State Association Elks
The Tri-State Association is led by a Brother State President and a Daughter State President. The State Presidents lead the Association and follow the By-laws and Constitution of our parent organization, the Improved, Benevolent, and Protective Order of Elks of the World (IBPOEW). Under their leadership, several Tri-State lodges, temples, councils, departments, and auxillaries function across the Elks Organization.
Our Purpose is simple:
Show Truth in all of our activities and live to help others.
Our Principles are:
To help and spread the spirit of charity to all in need of it;
To see that Justice be fair and equal in our communities;
To promote Brotherly and Sisterly Love in our organization and our commuities;
To ensure Fidelity among people.

Our Lodges and Temples
Our Lodges and Temples span the Maryland, Delaware, and District of Columbia areas. Elk lodges and Temples are used for our regular meetings and events to serve the local communities they live in. The Tri-State Association is located on the Eastern Shore, Western, and Southern parts of Maryland, the coast of Delaware, in Wilmington, and in the heart of the District of Columbia. Our Lodges and Temples are owned and operated by the local Elk governing bodies. For lodge and temple locations, Click here.